Copy of Nickel Plate Road Class S-2 2-8-4 Berkshire!! Our First HO product Announcement!!!

Well, there you have it! The reason we've taken so long to come forward with our product announcements. This beaut has taken so much time to perfect and we're still not done!!!


July 2021: Led by our founder Robert Perez, CRM traveled to Fort Wayne Indiana to conduct a comprehensive 3D laser scan of the great 765. This scan will allow us to produce the highest caliber detailed model of the NKP S2 series in any scale to date! Special thanks to the Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society for their generous accommodation and enthusiasm towards this project!

Above is an example of the ongoing CAD work. The high tech laser scan allowed us to capture areas which no mechanical engineering drawing could shed light upon!

Right now the finishing touches are being applied, such as additional rivet and running gear details. We estimate to be accepting pre orders by Summer 2024. Below you will find a bulleted list of a few of the extraordinary features our revolutionary model will arrive equipped with!

Cardinal River Models HO 1:87 Gauge Nickel Plate Class S-2 2-8-4 Berkshire Steam Locomotive synopsis of features:

  • Era Specific Detailing*
  • Roadnumber specific detailing*
  • Super Detail all 'round
  • DCC and Digital Sound RECORDED FROM 765 with Synchronized Smoke Unit
  • Complete engine and tender underside detail*
  • LED Classification Markers, Number boards, Directional Lighting, Cab Lighting and Side Inspection Lighting.*
  • Accurately Depicted Tandem Side Rod Assembly*
  • A lot more to list so please stay tuned!!! 

So much more to be announced in the coming months so be sure to stay up to date with Cardinal River News!

*Indicates first time ever applied in HO scale on this fine class of locomotive.